Mold-Vac Systems
Mold-Vac is a standalone system designed to eliminate molding problems caused as a result of gas and air entrapment. Exclusive to Mold-Vac design is its blowback control that cleans vented pins after every cycle. Mold-Vac provides precise microprocessor control for both vacuum and blowback timing functions.
The Mold-Vac is a commercial vacuum venting system developed to eliminate part quality problems caused by gas & air entrapment:
- Part burns
- Short Burns
- Bubbles and voids
- Blemishes and other cosmetic defects
- Weakend weld lines
Software | Consulting | Training:
Improved Part Quality
Makes Customers Happy 🙂
Faster Cycle Times
Max Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
Larger Processing Window
Doesn't Require the "Wizard" to Set it Up
Less "Fire Fighting"
Means High Priority Projects Get Attention
More Profit
Boss Looks Great, We All Look Great!
Mold-Vac is a standalone system designed to eliminate molding problems caused as a result of gas and air entrapment. Exclusive to Mold-Vac design is its blowback control that cleans vented pins after every cycle. Mold-Vac provides precise microprocessor control for both vacuum and blowback timing functions.
The Mold-Vac is a commercial vacuum venting system developed to eliminate part quality problems caused by gas & air entrapment:
Part burns
Short Burns
Bubbles and voids
Blemishes and other cosmetic defects
Weakend weld lines
Software | Consulting | Training:
Improved Part QualityMakes Customers Happy :)Faster Cycle TimesMax Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)Larger Processing WindowDoesn’t Require the “Wizard” to Set it UpLess “Fire Fighting”Means High Priority Projects Get AttentionMore ProfitBoss Looks Great, We All Look Great!
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