Material Testing

The accuracy of our results is based on proper material testing. Therefore, results will be compromised if the specific material grade has not been characterized or tested. Depending on your analysis objectives, (Bronze LCC, Silver, Gold or Platinum) the following chart illustrates the type of testing required. For example, the Gold level, Midplane analysis would require Rheology, PVT, Thermal and CRIMS data. Questions? Please call us @ 630.761.9898.

Melt rheology describes the flow characteristics of the resin based on shear rate (fill speed) and temperature as measured with a capillary rheometer.
A measure of the resistance to flow that the material has within a mold cavity.

Juncture Loss
The pressure drop observed when the melt passes through contractions in the feed system. Juncture loss occurs between the sprue, runners, and gates.
Pressure Dependent Viscosity
Describes a material’s change in viscosity as a function of pressure.
The compressibility of the resin during both the filling and packing phases is critical to predicting the pressure to fill, and the shrinkage of the resin during packing and cooling. The data used to describe the compressibility is taken from pvT curves.
Specific Heat
Specific Heat (Cp) is a measure of a material’s ability to convert heat input to an actual temperature increase. This is measured at zero pressure and a range of temperatures, or averaged across the temperature range of 50°C to the maximum processing temperature of the material.

Thermal Conductivity
Thermal conductivity is essentially a measure of the rate at which a material can dissipate heat, which is determined under pressure and averaged across the melt temperature range of the material.
Shrinkage Data (CRIMS)
Specialized shrinkage data is used to describe the shrinkage characteristics of the resin. Shrinkage measurements are taken from molded test samples at various points of the molding process. Shrinkage parallel and perpendicular to the direction of flow are taken for various wall thicknesses, melt temperatures, mold temperatures and packing pressures. This data is used to correct shrinkage predictions from theoretical residual stress calculations in the filling and packing analyses, and is referred to as CRIMS (Corrected Residual In-Mold Stress) data. For 3D tetrahedral models, CRIMS is not used, so the mechanical properties of the material must be characterized.
Mechanical Properties
Modulus of Elasticity
A measure of material’s stiffness in different directions.
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
The linear thermal expansion coefficient results are used to help predict shrinkage that may occur due to temperature fluctuations.
Poisson's Ratio
A ratio that pertains to a material under tensile stress. Poisson’s ratio is the ratio of lateral or transverse contraction strain in the second principal direction to the longitudinal strain in the first principal direction.
Have an application?
Call us at 630.761.9898 to “Get it Right the 1st Time”.

The accuracy of our results is based on proper material testing. Therefore, results will be compromised if the specific material grade has not been characterized or tested. Depending on your analysis objectives, (Bronze LCC, Silver, Gold or Platinum) the following chart illustrates the type of testing required. For example, the Gold level, Midplane analysis would require Rheology, PVT, Thermal and CRIMS data. Questions? Please call us @ 630.761.9898.
Melt rheology describes the flow characteristics of the resin based on shear rate (fill speed) and temperature as measured with a capillary rheometer.
A measure of the resistance to flow that the material has within a mold cavity.
Juncture Loss
The pressure drop observed when the melt passes through contractions in the feed system. Juncture loss occurs between the sprue, runners, and gates.
Pressure Dependent Viscosity
Describes a material’s change in viscosity as a function of pressure.
The compressibility of the resin during both the filling and packing phases is critical to predicting the pressure to fill, and the shrinkage of the resin during packing and cooling. The data used to describe the compressibility is taken from pvT curves.
Specific Heat
Specific Heat (Cp) is a measure of a material’s ability to convert heat input to an actual temperature increase. This is measured at zero pressure and a range of temperatures, or averaged across the temperature range of 50°C to the maximum processing temperature of the material.
Thermal Conductivity
Thermal conductivity is essentially a measure of the rate at which a material can dissipate heat, which is determined under pressure and averaged across the melt temperature range of the material.
Shrinkage Data (CRIMS)
Specialized shrinkage data is used to describe the shrinkage characteristics of the resin. Shrinkage measurements are taken from molded test samples at various points of the molding process. Shrinkage parallel and perpendicular to the direction of flow are taken for various wall thicknesses, melt temperatures, mold temperatures and packing pressures. This data is used to correct shrinkage predictions from theoretical residual stress calculations in the filling and packing analyses, and is referred to as CRIMS (Corrected Residual In-Mold Stress) data. For 3D tetrahedral models, CRIMS is not used, so the mechanical properties of the material must be characterized.
Mechanical Properties
Modulus of Elasticity
A measure of material’s stiffness in different directions.Coefficient of Thermal ExpansionThe linear thermal expansion coefficient results are used to help predict shrinkage that may occur due to temperature fluctuations.
Poisson’s Ratio
A ratio that pertains to a material under tensile stress. Poisson’s ratio is the ratio of lateral or transverse contraction strain in the second principal direction to the longitudinal strain in the first principal direction.
Have an application?
Call us at 630.761.9898 to “Get it Right the 1st Time”.