What Sets Us Apart?

It's in the Details
About Us
At CAE Services Corporation, we provide our clients with over 30 years of Moldflow analysis expertise. With multiple locations our staff can evaluate all aspects of the part design and molding process, from material selection, gate size/location to cooling related issues and warpage concerns. Our services are ideal for those who want to eliminate trial and error methods and
“Get it Right the 1st Time!”

Front Grille
Cooling Analysis

Certified & Experienced
As an Expert Certified Moldflow analysis firm, we have analyzed thousands of projects from various markets. Regardless of the complexity of your part design, we have the necessary experience to identify & solve the most challenging molding problems. Our commitment to analysis excellence has rendered CAE Services the recognized leader in Moldflow analysis services.
Don't leave your decision to chance!

Your last project... Did you have gating issues? Problems with cycle times or issues with part warpage? If your goal is to reduce molding costs, improve cycle times and identify potential part warpage, then consider our consulting services. Our track record is exceptional!
Have an application?
Call us at 630.761.9898 and let’s discuss how we can help you save money by
“Getting it Right the 1st Time”.

It’s in the Details
About Us
At CAE Services Corporation, we provide our clients with over 30 years of Moldflow analysis expertise. With multiple locations our staff can evaluate all aspects of the part design and molding process, from material selection, gate size/location to cooling related issues and warpage concerns. Our services are ideal for those who want to eliminate trial and error methods and “Get it Right the 1st Time!”
Front GrilleCooling Analysis